About OFSS Online, OFSS Bihar, OFSS India, OFSS
OFSS Online
OFSS Online is a free online platform for all the latest news, updates, text books, results, study materials, notes , govt and private jobs notifiication etc for students of all educational boards and universities of India. Students can prepare online for their schools , colleges, competition examinations etc with the help of this website. OFSS Online is very famous website for the students of Bihar. Every day thousands of students from bihar and around India visit this website to get latest news about bseb and other similar educational boards. Students also visit to get direct admission link of different boards and universities, registration status of their application, download admit cards, downlaod free text books of different classes , study materials, competitive exam notes etc. We try to provide as much information on this website so that students could not face any sort of problem for the rights of education. Due to covid 19 most of the classes and tutions are organised online as digital classes. With the help of this website OFSSONLINE.IN you can also enroll for online classes. We have started online demo classes for different courses
Our website name is OFSSOnline.in. The Meaning of OFSS here is Online Facilitation Services for Students of Bihar and rest of India . Bihar School Examination Baord ( BSEB ) takes admission for various courses and classes through OFSS Bihar. In terms of BSEB, OFSS meaning is online facilitation sytems for students of Bihar ( OFSS Bihar ).
We ( OFSS Online ) are free educational service provider for students of all the classes starting from pre school to PHD. We are dedicated free educationalservices and study material provider for Matric, Inter ( +2) , Under graduate , Graduate, Post Graduate, PHD etc of various schools/colleges and universities around India.
In short we call our website with various short keywords name like OFSS Online , OFSS Bihar, OFSSonline, OFSS, OFSS Online Admission Website, OFSSBihar, www.ofssonline.in, OFSS Graduation Admission, OFSS Inter Admission, OFSS Portal etc. Students can search on various search engine website like google ,yahoo, bing etc through these keywords to find the link of our website www.ofssonline.in . You can also search ofss bihar.in for admission in various courses and classes of BSEB.
OFSS Bihar
As i said , on our website OFSS Full form is Online Facilitation Services for Students. So as name suggests we provide various educational services free of cost to the students of Bihar. So occasionally our website is also called as OFSS Bihar, OFSS Portal among the students of Bihar. Apart from Bihar we also provide free educational services to the students of rest of India. This is the reason students also known our website as OFSS India.
Currently online admission of Intermediate ( +2 classes ) are running though OFSS software . Last date of online admission is 17th july 2020 . Earlier it was from 1st jul till 8th of july as given in news paper below. Due to some reason dates changed to 8th july till 17th july 2020. Registration charges is fixed to Rs 300 for online admission in various courses of plus 2. Students can take admission for Arts, science, commerce and agriculture in diferrent colleges and schools of BSEB. Read the full News paper cuting and instruction given below. You can also check this link to know how to apply for online admission through ofss

OFSS Graduation Admission 2020
Once admission process of +2 will finish on 17th july 2020 thereafter online admission process of OFSS Graduation admission will be started. You can check our website ofssonline.in for latest updates, news, dates, procedure to apply for graduation and Under graduate, fee structure , seats availability , cutoff marks etc very soon. Keep checking this website for OFSS garduation Admission notifcation and procedure in details